All Our Worlds: Diverse Fantastic Fiction

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2 books in series: The Orphan

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In the Night Garden
by Catherynne M. Valente

Series: The Orphan's Tales
Book 1 of 2
Secreted away in a garden, a lonely girl spins stories to warm a curious prince: peculiar feats and unspeakable fates that loop through each other and back again to meet in the tapestry of her voice. Inked on her eyelids, each twisting, tattooed tale is a piece in the puzzle of the girl's own hidden history. And what tales she tells! Tales of shape-shifting witches and wild horsewomen, heron kings and beast princesses, snake gods, dog monks, and living stars each story more strange and fantastic than the one that came before. From ill-tempered mermaid to fastidious Beast, nothing is ever quite what it seems in these ever-shifting tales even, and especially, their teller.
Lesbian characters
lesbian, race, setting, queered culture, multiple culture, class, , race Middle Eastern 2006 Adult

In the Cities of Coin and Spice
by Catherynne M. Valente

Series: The Orphan's Tales
Book 2 of 2
Her name and origins are unknown, but the endless tales inked upon this orphan’s eyelids weave a spell over all who listen to her read her secret history. And who can resist the stories she tells? From the Lake of the Dead and the City of Marrow to the artists who remain behind in a ghost city of spice, here are stories of hedgehog warriors and winged skeletons, loyal leopards and sparrow calligraphers. Nothing is too fantastic, anything can happen, but you’ll never guess what comes next in these intimately linked adventures of firebirds and djinn, singing manticores, mutilated unicorns, and women made entirely of glass and gears. Graced with the magical illustrations of Michael Kaluta,
Diverse characters.
lesbian, race, setting, queered culture, disability, , race Middle Eastern, Unspecified_Disability 2007 Adult

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